Catch the Vision of Harvest Fire by Scott MacLeod


The Lord of the Harvest is about to light a fire in us that will not burn out! It is no ordinary fire. It is a fire that is driven by the winds of the Spirit. It is a fire that is fueled by the very heat of Heaven's passion. It exudes His undying compassion to all people, and it burns brightest in the darkest and driest places. It is a fire that produces the light of abundant life wherever it spreads, while it destroys and drives out the greatest darkness of our times. There is nothing brighter or stronger known to man... for it is the very heart of Heaven... it is a Harvest Fire!

We live in a day when the Earth is being filled with ever-increasing pressure and world headlines are inundated with disturbing stories of war, terror and natural calamities. The nations clamor for an answer to the great pains that are coming upon humanity. We see evidence that the great red dragon (Revelation 12:3,9), Satan himself, is working overtime... deceiving and destroying the nations.

Multitudes throughout the world are besieged with fear, while many others grow numb and slide into hopelessness. But there is one great hope that still shines brilliantly in the midst of this thick darkness... it is the Gospel of Jesus Christ!



So what does this great hope for mankind look like? What is the solution to the mounting pressures and pain that mar the nations? I believe the answer, in short, can be found in these two words ... HARVEST FIRE!

"Harvest Fire" speaks of receiving God's passion (fire) for His Harvest. During this gathering we believe that God will ignite our hearts with a sacred flame from Heaven. This flame is called "passion for souls." The Lord desires to give His people His burning vision for the Harvest, His unfailing compassion for the poor, and His self-sacrificing love for the lost.

Jesus commanded His disciples (us) to "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." (Mark 16:15) Jesus also said, "If you love me, you will obey what I command." (John 14:15) A burning love for Jesus set ablaze in our hearts is the only catalyst strong enough to fully activate us into accomplishing this God-given international mission. When we are truly ignited with Heaven's fire we will have what it takes to "go" for Him, and to joyfully lay down our lives for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and for the salvation and welfare of our fellow man.



The Bible tells us "When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him." (Isaiah 59:19) The devastating flood damage of the enemy has come into the world and into the Church. God is raising up His holy standard that will not only hold back, but will push back, this flood of dissipation. This standard is nothing less than God's unfailing truth and love.

As I asked the Lord how we actually go about building and upholding His invincible standard in our day, He answered me with one simple word "relationships." True Kingdom relationships are the wineskin that will effectively uphold and dispense God's unfailing love and truth to a dying world. The first step of preparation to ensure our readiness for this great harvest that is coming is this ... "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:35)



As I was pondering what these kingdom relationships might look like, I had an extraordinary vision of a beautiful white and blue fishing net. The net was strikingly beautiful and powerful. I knew that the net was incredibility strong and built to last. I saw the Lord throwing this net over nations and even over entire continents. The number of souls/people that were drawn into the Kingdom was incalculable. "Harvest fishing" is done with nets.

I knew that the color white in the net represented purity and the color blue represented revelation.