
In this last month, I’ve had some powerful dreams (For a more detailed description, click: revealing that with all that is surrounding COVID-19, people are listening to fear as if it is their savior.  Fear has been masquerading as wisdom, and it’s time to know the difference. In the midst of all this chaos, there is a beautiful opportunity for God’s true character to be so seen and known that we can recognize even the tone of His voice and His mannerisms.  Fear is a strong, sobering emotion that causes our senses to be heightened and alert. When fear swoops in, it consumes our brainpower, silencing any reasonable thought. This effect is what gives the illusion of feeling wise when afraid. In truth, fear only steals our peace. It kills our joy and destroys hope.

Throughout history, we see a pattern that whenever warriors came into agreement with fear it caused confusion that led them to turn against their own - rather than fighting their enemy.  Science confirms this same pattern, with studies revealing that our bodies can’t tell the difference between physical and emotional stress. This shows us that fear is literally toxic to the body and hinders our immune systems from functioning properly (

For God has NOT given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7) 

It is time to break vows with fear and realign ourselves with the true definition of wisdom - “The soundness of action or decision with regard to the application of experience, knowledge, and good judgment.” Letting go of fear does not mean avoiding grief or being ignorant of the times we are in, but rather choosing to face our pain with HOPE that it is possible to overcome.


During this time of quarantine, whenever I pray for strategy, I hear repeatedly, “Who will stand between the living and the dead?” (In Numbers 16, Aaron stood between the living and the dead as he interceded to turn back the plague), followed by a picture of people all over the world in their homes, releasing a fragrance of worship and prayer through CREATIVITY.  

Not only is creativity therapeutic for the soul, it also boosts the immune system. Quantum physics shows us that various frequencies can bring healing to the body. Singing or playing in various keys can affect our organs, and colors can inspire numerous emotions.

But more powerful than all of this: being creative is vulnerable.

I see an invitation for God to unlock us and break any fear that holds us back from taking risks in our creativity.  For me, it happened in regard to movement.  After my accident 4 years ago, my muscles were so damaged that barely moving at all caused tearing and spasms.  I became afraid of testing my body’s limits because if I pushed myself too much, it felt like punishment.  But the other day as I was worshiping in my room, God unlocked my movement again and I couldn’t stop dancing.  Sure, I’m still healing from physical limitations, but more importantly, I was free.  Now, every time I dance, I feel it healing me rather than punishing me.


Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning. I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in Him!” (Lamentations 3:21-24)

All over the world, families are celebrating Passover. This is a sacred holiday dedicated to remembering what God had done, specifically when He saved their ancestors from the spirit of death by placing the blood of a lamb on their door posts, causing it to “pass over” their homes.  At the same time, many are also celebrating Good Friday, in honor of when Jesus Christ gave Himself as a blood sacrifice for all mankind. How significant it is for us to remember all these beautiful ways God has come for us!  Throughout history, we see Him at work in ways that are impossible to man.  As we reflect and remember, let us dare to hope in all that He is capable of doing now, for NOTHING is too great for Him.

So what does it look like to walk in wisdom instead of fear in this season? Keep hope alive while staying home. Remember God’s goodness. Contend in prayer. Surrender fear. CELEBRATE what is to come!

Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living. Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord. (Psalm 27:13-14)


What are some ways YOU have been keeping hope alive? Share some of your personal journey in the comments below with links to your favorite resources. LET’S BE AN ENCOURAGEMENT TO ONE ANOTHER!